The cost of shipping may be included with the price of your item to help cover the shipping costs. A download-link will be sent to the email account associated with your PayPal Account for all downloadable content, such as music mp3s and their album cover picture.
To remove an item from your cart, click on My Cart from our navigation menu and press the red x to the left of the item(s) and press Update Cart.
Your name, email and shiping address will automatically populate if you are already logged into your PayPal account, even for downloadable content. If you are not logged into your PayPal, a pop-up will show so that you can login when you press Proceed To Checkout. You will then be redirected to our checkout screen to review your order. At that point you can simply press Place Order to process your payment.
Your name, email and shiping address will automatically populate if you are already logged into your PayPal account, even for downloadable content. If you are not logged into your PayPal, a pop-up will show so that you can login when you press Proceed To Checkout. We will never share your personal information with third parties. Your mailing address may be requested as a formality, but we will never mail you anything other than the item that was purchased. Downloadable content can only be delivered via email.